May the 4th, also known as Star Wars Day, is coming to the United States soon! Well, it already did for my country. To celebrate, I am making a pixel art design of one of the characters in the Star Wars franchise. Who is it that I'm choosing? Here a hint: the character is female, is not human and has no involvement in any of the 9 main Star Wars movies. As you should know, this is the first time I'm using the auto-publish feature from Newgrounds because if I had published the artwork now, the date and time would've displayed 'May 3, 2024 | 11:XX PM EDT' (XX is any number from 00 to 59). This would look awkward, since I cannot change the time zone to my country's, so it's stuck to the time for several USA states (Eastern Daylight Time). Fair warning: my artwork would contain some mature content involved with my chosen character.